Forgot Username / Password

Forgot Username / Password

Forgot Username / Password

If you have forgotten your username or password you can reset them on the web version of the system.

You will require the childcare setting's full URL to reset your username or password.

Reset your Username / Password

Follow the instructions below to reset your username or password on the system.

Web Browser

After entering the childcare setting's full URL into your web browser you will arrive at the login page of the system (1), click on the link beneath where you login that says: Forgot username or password, you will now be taken to a new page where you can enter your email address as setup for you on the system (2), if the system advises you that your email address cannot be found it means that you are not entering the email address setup for you on the system and you will need to ask the master administrator of the system for further assistance.

Once the correct email address has been entered, a confirmation message will appear (3) advising you that an email has been sent to you, within the email you will be told your username, you must now click on the link in the email and you will be diverted to a web page allowing you to enter a new password to login with (4), once complete you will be able to login with your username and new password.


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