Free Demonstration System

Thank you for your interest in a Free, 14 Day - Baby's Days Demonstration system.
We do not require your credit or debit card details for you to request a Free Demonstration system, simply complete the fields shown below and then click on the "Request Demo" button, an email will then be sent to the email address you specified, please follow the instructions in this email to activate your Free Demonstration system.
The demonstration system you receive is an exact replica of the system you will receive when you subscribe for your own Baby's Days system with a few exceptions:
Only the first few characters of each Policy and Permission is displayed.
Only a limited number of Activites within each Medium Term Plan are displayed.
The 4500 word sample SEF has been removed
Within the demonstration system you receive we have added sample data for you to use and look at, this includes a number of children that have been added, Achievement Dates, Observations and Next Steps added, a 2 Year Progress Check completed, Food Menus created, Medium and Short Term /Weekly plans created, Newsletters and QuickMessages created and sent, Policies assigned to children and photographs uploaded to each area.
Feel free to add and remove data from the system, any data you enter will be destroyed after your demo has expired.
As the system you receive is only a demonstration system, you will not be able to keep this demonstration system for your live system should you subscribe.
Please complete all the fields below and then click on the "Request Demo" button to request your Free Baby's Days Demonstration System.
After clicking on Request Demo please check your Email inbox including your Junk and Spam folders.