Daily Actions

Daily Actions

Daily Actions

Shown below is detailed information and a selection of screenshots taken from the Daily Actions section from both versions of the Baby's Days system.

Available on the following systems:

To view screenshots and information from other areas of the system, click on any link to the right.

The Daily Actions section allows you to add bottle feeds, toileting, sleep times and register arrival and departure times for multiple children at once.

Key Areas of the Daily Actions section

Add Daily Actions for multiple children at the same time.
All saved Daily Actions appear within the selected children's settings.
All Daily Actions appear within the Live Feed.

Screenshots and more Information

Shown below are a selection of screenshots and additional information relating to the Daily Actions section on the system.

Daily Actions

You can add bottle feeds, toileting, sleep times and register arrival and departure times from this section for multiple children at once.

Select which action you would like to record by clicking on the relevant button, for example you may like to record that 5 children all slept at the same time today, click on the +Sleep button and select the time they went to sleep and the time they woke up, now select from the children list which children you would like to record this sleep time for.

You can add as many different actions for the same children, in addition, clicking on the +Add More Actions button at the bottom left of the page allows you to create a new set of actions for children.

Click an icon below to see a system feature

With over 100 available features on every Baby's Days system, select one below that you'd like to read about first.


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